If someone gets access to your private link (browser history, bookmarks), he could access and modify your registry. So now that you have data in it, we think you'd better add a password !
The subject of our email is : Finalize Password Protection
If you do not find it in your inbox, check your spam folder (although it should not ends there..)
You send POST or GET requests to https://notbot.me/api
and obtain a JSON string in return
You will need your API key :
To get an API key you must set up a Password
When an error occurs, the JSON returned contains the fields errorCode
and errorDescription
Functions are sent with the filed requestType
Here are the available functions :
Prove Existence in Time of TEXT, AUDIO, VIDEO or all kind of data.
Copyrights, Paternity of Ideas, Testimony of History, Offchain Transactions..
Notbot is a universal Timestamper that delivers Certificates of existence of your documents. Without the need to upload your documents !
It writes your document fingerprint (file hash) into the NXT and Bitcoin blockchains. The transaction fees are paid by us.
Timestamping occurs at regular interval {NXT:1h, Bitcoin:48h}
, depending on current transaction fees, see next departure time at the bottom of the page.
Request & Download your certificates and forget about us... or .. come back to your Private Registry : (but keep it secret!) to request new certificates, recover old ones, verify proofs and archived documents integrity. Each certificate comes with public links to send contestants & legal experts to.
An example ? Click the blue button above, select any doc on your computer and watch it live. It"s Free.
Now, anyone can generate proof of ownership for any creation and can defend his copyrights without the need of expensive notary agents.
We recommend to protect every creation at it's first draft copy!
Actions | Name | Size | Fingerprint | ![]() |
![]() |
Tag |
When you will need your proof, you will need the Exact Version of the file you certified.
If you lose it, update it, or if a single bit of it is accidently modified, your proof will have disapeared for ever! The blockchain certificate will be meaningless because it will be impossible to reproduce the original document fingerprint.
So during all those long years..
How will you protect your documents from :
Set up Multiple Backups ? Great ! that is the only solution.
Regularly check archives intergrity ? Very Good ! Over long period, micro hardware failures are very likelly to happen.
Disconnected Backups ? Really Good ! there is no other choice since a NASA study gives a 12% chance for a major event to occur within the next 10 years... It will burn every connected device ! This is a very serious threat.
Store your archives into electromagnetic shielded box ? Congratulation ! This is a realistic threat for every electronic device, not located on the moon or at the bottom of the oceans, so this military grade protection is a requirement for all ! You should really be afraid of NEMP or EM weapon
And what about :
Have redundant archives separated by several hundreds km ?
Ok, great, so your strategy exactly matches our
SEAL protection guideline!
The SEAL protection guideline, that you've just read above, has been established to finalize the universal timestamper we dreamed about. The blockchains offer the basics but the probability to maintain the original document integrity over a very long period is not high enough when you balance all the possible threats faced by a digital archive and the value that it's proof of existence may represent.
As a matter of fact, we strongly advise anyone to follow all the protection methods descibed above. And if you do not want to bother about it, or if you simply want to Maximize Your Security, we offer to do it for you, as well.
Our service, is the direct application of this guideline to which we add the availability of your original documents in a private & secured web area.
This way, you can count on us for your complete & absolute proofs to be easily retrievable.
We have gone mad with planing responses to worse case scenarii in our quest to guarantee that you will ALWAYS get your data back. Even if the situation turns extreme, we are even set up to burn DVDs in every circomstances... [check how] so we could physically send the data to our requesting customers, should it become the last solution !
Regarding long term archive, redondancy is your only friend ! So after all, shouldn't you consider any serious offer anyway ?
Archive Size |
Archived documents are available online 24H/24 for the chosen duration.
Addional archive size can be purchased later.
We use the cheapest hosting providers out there (but still, 3 different ones for resilience !)
We have other activities on the web, so we have online spare space that can be mutualized.
We take data offline, and check offline archives integrity only 2 times per year.
So we expect you to take your data offline with a USB stick and keep it safe for about 6 month, then our system will secure your data offline over all those remaining years.
If you seriously worry about an EMP attack within this first laps of time, you should protect yourself from EMP.